2012年8月13日 星期一

Diamonds Are Girls' Best Friend

鑽石恆久遠,一顆永留傳.It is true!在煦煦陽光下,珠寶店裡一顆顆散發著閃爍光芒的鑽石吸引了


福和peaceful!1953年,Marilyn Monroe(瑪麗蓮夢露)在電影Gentlemen Prefer Blonds唱的Diamonds Are

Girls' Best Friend 教壞了全天下的女生.

根據維基百科指出,Diamonds Are Girls'Best Friends這首歌是以Anita Loos 的一本小說為基礎由Jule

Styne 和Leo Robin 所做的,然而在1949年時,Carol Channing 把它引進百老匯劇Gntlemen Prefers

Diamonds. 之後才由大家所熟悉的 Marilyn 為女主角拍成電影,一部以一位美國女生在因緣際會

下到法國夜總部表演歌舞秀所發生的事情為主.這首歌還曾被American Film Institute列入最重要

Jule Styne

Leo Robin

Anita loos

Carol Channing

繼瑪麗蓮的版本之後,至今,仍然有許多明星模仿瑪麗蓮和翻唱這首歌 ,如 Madonna ,Kylie

Minogue,Nicole Scherzinger等都有表演過!



到了2001年,性感女星Nicole Kidman在Moulin Rogue (紅磨坊)飾演的歌舞女郎亦曾重新詮釋這首歌!

葛萊美歌后Christina Aguilera則是在電影Burlesque(舞孃俱樂部)飾演從鄉村來的鄰家女孩到繁華

的都市工作,最後在一家類似夜總會的地方端盤子時聽到台上的舞孃跳起Diamonds Are Girls'

best friends,更加下定在舞台上發光發熱的決心!最後成為該地方最紅的台柱.

美國當紅影集Gossip Girl (花邊教主)第五季 的金髮女主角Serena 也曾在該劇中模仿,因為該季穿

插Serena,Blair和Dan 這三人的三角習題,Serena和Dan 原是舊情人,但Dan 後來發現他愛上了Bliar,

這首歌是出現在Serena的夢中,當唱到You stand at Tiffany's,Dan往Blair的方向靠過去,似乎暗示著


The French are glad to die for love
They delight in fighting duels
But I prefer a man who lives
And gives expensive jewels

A kiss on the hand
May be quite continental
But diamonds are a girl's best friend
A kiss may be grand
But it won't pay the rental
On your humble flat
Or help you at the automat
Men grow cold as girls grow old
And we all lose our charms in the end
But square cut or pear shaped
These rocks don't lose their shape
Diamonds are a girl's best friend

Tiffany's Cartier, Black Star
Ross Gorem
Talk to me, Harry Winston
Tell me all about it

There may come a time
When a lass needs a lawyer
But diamonds are a girl's best friend
<a href="http://jpop.yinyueabc.com/Double/Diamonds+Are+A+Girl%26%23039%3Bs+Best+Friend/">Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend 歌詞<a>
<a href="http://www.yinyueabc.com">音樂 ABC<a>

There may come a time
When a hard boiled employer
Thinks you're awful nice
But get that ice or else no dice
He's your guy when stocks are high
But beware when they start to descend
It's then that those louses
Go back to their spouses
Diamonds are a girl's best friend

I've heard of affairs
That are strictly platonic
But diamonds are a girl's best friend
And I think affairs
That you must keep a sonic
Are better bets
If little pets get big baggettes
Time rolls on and youth is gone
And you can't straighten up when you bend
But stiff back or stiff knees
You stand straight at Tiffany's
Diamonds, diamonds
I don't mean rhinestones
But diamonds are a girl's best, best friend
So ,Which one do you like ? Tiffanys' or Cartier?

